YADA Founder

Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas


Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas is a dancer, choreographer, guru, organizer, and promoter of youth talent and is the propagator of DEVANRITYAM – experience of the inner exploration, a divine form of Dance as derived from the VEDAs and AGAMAS. Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas is the creative arts director of AMBA ANANDESHWARI KALALAYA AZ wing where numerous students and aspiring performers of the future generations are trained and promoted as performers in Devanrityam & Bharatanatyam. Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas is an engineer by profession and has a Masters in Electronics engineering from University of Southern California with a specialization in multimedia and creative arts technologies. She is employed at Intel and is currently wearing the validation architect hat for Internet of Things group at Intel. She loves travelling and spending time with her husband and 3 kids.

Ramya during her growing years had seen how so many of the promising young artists dropout from their art forms as they enter their high school due to Priority shifts, lack of time and perceived financial burden. Her passion for the youth artists development made her think in innovative and meaningful ways that would promote the arts among youth. In the year 2015, Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas started an exclusive youth artist promotion event called “Jagadananda KArakA” where performing youth artists who are a role model to the community in pursuing their art forms are invited to come and present in front of a huge audience. This is a ticketed event, and the funds are used towards the event expenses and to felicitate the performing artists. This event is being run 5 years in a row amidst COVID Pandemic and has been the most awaited event in the valley. The success of Jagadananda kArakA kindled the desire to create a greater powerful platform for the youth which then inspired her to form YADA – Youth Artists Development Association a 501c3 nonprofit organization headquartered in AZ. YADA empowers youth artists to stay passionate in their art form by showing them the purpose. It provides a platform for youth artists to come together to ignite their passion and enrich their experiences in various art forms. In 2020-21, YADA hosted a number of live events, chamber concerts, global Zoom events, workshops, Yoga/Meditation Sessions, and multitude of Do-It-Daily sessions. This lead to the creation of www.YADATV.org , a unique online portal to showcase all of YADA events. In 2020, for the first time in USA YADA hosted Margazhi Yuva Utsav during the month of Dharnur Masam/December-January that brought in youth artists from across the globe on the global virtual platform. Also, YADA conducted YUVA Tyagaraja Aradhana in March that celebrated the greatness of Saint Tyagaraja and his divine compositions. YADA hopes to continue this mega events year after year.

Another unique event of YADA is the ANANDOTSAV – an offering of the art forms to the divine. YADA is proud to have hosted 53 editions of Anandotsav in the year 2020-21.

At the 54th edition of Anandotsav, we were graced with the divine presence of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetadhipathi Jagadguru Shri Vijayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamigal and received His Holiness Anugraha Bhashanam. This triggered a new movement called Bharat Heritage Organization and YADA joined hands with Bharat Heritage Organization (www.bhogl.org) to bring a new perspective to Anandotsav that exemplifies the Agamas , Arts and Architecture of Bharat Heritage.

YADA is very proud to be welcoming the YOUTH Leadership committee to lead the YADA activities. The YADA committee is run with excellence and truly is a testimony to the youth artists leadership skills. I urge the community to be involved with YADA’s activities and help the youth artists community thrive and lead.

The success of YADA is all made possible through countless hours of volunteering from the community. I invite the community to log in the volunteer hours through your corporate giving programs and to also donate generously to the cause. You may do so by using the YADA’s EIN reference. EIN for Youth Artists Development Association is 83-4340329.
YADA is tied with Corporate Volunteer Hour Matching Programs across the valley (Ex: Intel, Amex, GM, Wells Fargo, Aetna, Verizon, Microsoft etc) This will enable YADA to further the cause and bring quality events to our community in the coming year.

For youth who are involved in YADA’s volunteering opportunities, YADA provides ample volunteering opportunities which can be used towards their school volunteering requirements.

Who can contribute:
1. Anyone who has helped kids logging into zoom sessions and was there for technical support
2. Who has helped in organizations /administrative work
3. Who helped recording their kids rendering for yuva utsav , post processing videos , travel time to recording space etc
4. Who have been A cohost for hundreds of yada in zoom series sessions or host of other yada sessions like the yada workshops .
Feel free to reach out to youthartists.az@gmail.com if you need to know more about us and to be involved.

Yours sincerely
Ramya Ranganathan Srinivas
Founder, Director of Youth Artists Development Association
