Nidhi Athreya

Gayana Seva - Carnatic Vocal

Nidhi Athreya is 17 years old and a disciple of Vidushi Rajarajeshwary Bhat. She has been learning music for over a decade. In August 2019, she completed her Carnatic vocal debut concert at the Musical Instrument Museum with an audience of over 300 people. She has been invited to perform across the state at Maha Ganapathi Temple of Arizona, Fine Arts Association of Arizona, and SVK Temple, to name a few. She has also performed in Houston at the Meenakshi Temple.


Nidhi has been involved with YADA for the past year and was a youth facilitator in the past summer. She led budding performing artists in developing their skills and helped organize a group Zoom performance to showcase the skills they developed.
